BEAST's DooJoon, on a recent episode of MBC Sunday Sunday Night – Danbi, revealed a surprising friendship he has with another idol. Or does he?
On this episode, the cast members received a special mission: to call someone close to them, and if that person answered their call, they would be given breakfast. Since it was 9AM in Korea at the time, all the contestants were nervous about the game.
DooJoon was up first, and surprised his other cast mates by saying he would call Kara's HaRa! The other contestants displayed jealousy when DooJoon explained, 「I have the usual close oppa and dongsaeng relationship with Goo Hara.」
However, things didn't go as planned when HaRa failed to answer his call, leaving DooJoon's pride to take a hit.
If DooJoon and HaRa are as close as he says, can we hope for a BEAST/Kara collaboration in the future?