『Family Outing 2』 comes to an end without a special last filming?
SBS recently announced 2 of its upcoming new variety programs after the South Korean World Cup match on 26th June. They are namely 『Running Man』 headed by MC Yoo JaeSeok for his MC comeback and 『Heroes』 which will star Seo InYoung and Park GaHee etc.
『Running Man』 is set for first airing on 11th July and 『Heroes』 on 18th July. This leaves with the fact that Family Outing will come to an end officially. It is set that the last episode of FO2 will be on 11th July.
An official revealed, 「Nothing has been confirmed as yet. Our last filming was on 14th and 15th June in YangPyung, and there has not been any new filmings. But because of the World Cup season, we have not done any filming for 『last journey』 special for the show either.」
Meanwhile, FO2 has garnered much interests for its casts of idols and stars like Kim WonHee, Ji SangRyul, Yoon SangHyun, Shin BongSeon, Jo Kwon, TaecYeon, YoonA and Kim HeeChul, but the ratings of the show had dropped to one-digit and had to be taken out from SBS Good Sunday.
Here's the preview to 『Running Man』