Could it be the 「Curse of the Car」 going around 4minute?
We reported a week ago that 4minute's HyunA injured her finger after getting it slammed in a car door. It now seems that a similar fate fell on member JiYoon yesterday, May 31st, while the girls were moving from their van to a school event, wherein her arm was caught by the car door. The most obvious catalyst of the incident was the manager closing the door while JiYoon was still getting off the van, causing her to shout in pain. Anybody else have any other speculation?
The bystanders, who were filming the girls, commented, 「Was it because we made them anxious?」 meaning that the hordes of screaming fans caused the manager to anxiously close the door.
Whatever it may be, let's hope the injury wasn't too serious and that JiYoon gets better soon!