On May 4th, 2am's JoKwon temporarily played the MC role on KBS 2TV 『Win Win』.
Taking the place of SNSD's TaeYeon, JoKwon garnered viewers' attention with his talking skills and signature wit. As usual, JoKwon managed to create excitement for the viewers.
A question was asked from JoKwon on how he would deal with 『Kkong SeungWoo』 concept of MC Kim SeungWoo. With confidence he answered that his 『kkab』 concept will definitely beat other concepts and the studio roared with laughter.
Park MyungSoo who came as the episode guest yelled, 「What are you guys doing after calling out a star?」 Upon hearing the complaint, once again the studio break into laughter.
JoKwon is definitely a pro in variety show.