Girl-group 4minute's member Kim Hyuna & Nam Jihyun revealed their no make-up face.
On 24th April, Kim Hyuna uploaded some natural photos of them which taken on their practice room. We can see in the photos, another image of them that we can't see on the stage.
They took a photo in front of a mirror just like another fresh students outside.
She wrote 'NamjitHyunat' as the caption and made a folder called 'Our NamGGG Onni' that showing their close relationship.
On the other side, Hyuna hurts her finger on 21th May. It's not a big injury, and she already wore a bandage on her pinky finger.
4minute (Jihyun, Gayoon, Jiyoon, Hyuna, Sohyun) just came back with their song 'HuH' which dominates some charts. 4minute is receiving some interest not only in Korea, but also at Taiwan, HK, etc. They even reached #1 on Thailand chart.